The Nature of Men to Cheat? People: A man can love his wife and still cheat. It's the way men are wired. Me: Gerrarra here. You don't know nothing. What is the problem with you people? I don't claim to know anything about Love, but I know this one thing; When you love a person, faithfulness is a requirement. I don't seem to understand how Love and Cheating comfortably exist together. I don't also understand why people keep saying things like, "it is a man's nature to cheat". I refuse to believe that lie perpetuated by society to encourage infidelity and promiscuity amongst men. Maybe I'm old fashioned but I know that Love does not hurt. Love is not self-seeking. Love is kind. Love is compassionate. Love is not selfish. Love is not greedy. Love is pure. Love is true. The other day, I read a post where the writer said that there are no faithful men out there. I refuse to buy into that school of thought. I believe that there are faithful men. Me...