This Write up Broke Me My heart is broken and I will spill my grief here. Our society loves to play hush hush on everything. We pamper violence, abuse and the outright violation of the rights of vulnerable persons. And you know what else we do? We blame the devil for the sexual violence and abuse perpetrated against defenseless children. We pray and curse the predators who molest innocent children but forget to ask for justice. We create an environment where children live in fear because they have no one to turn to knowing they will be hushed/silenced. We stand in our religious gatherings and honour perpetrators of these crimes. We even enthrone them to high positions in the society, and accord them the respect they do not deserve. We make the classrooms and schools a living hell for young girls and boys who are abused by caretakers and teachers. We play along and we act like we do not see the fear in the eyes of these children. You know what else we do? We are quick to blame vi...