These Clocks On The Wall I've come to realize that while time itself was created by God, its perception was created by humanity and materialized by these clocks we've put on the wall You see,there is no place you would go in this whole world and not find a clock,and that's because we as society put them there to remind you. You see,society says you should brush your teeth for two minutes. Society says you should sleep for eight hours. Society says you should be done with school by twenty-two, have a career by twenty-five, a family by thirty, be successful by forty, and retire by sixty. You see,we've created this "one-size-fits-it-all" time light for life,thinking we could all wear the same clothes. And when we personally realize that they don't fit, we blame it all on ourselves acting like we've gained weight. Stop letting society's clock dictate when you show up. My time is different from your time,and just because you're not what soci...