DO IT NOW!!! Some recent happenings have left me thinking.If you want to identify a very brilliant,gorgeous/handsome,well loved,wonderful etc. person,read burial tributes. I'm gonna share an experience I had with you.Sometime last month,I saw a Facebook post saying that one of my childhood best friends was dead.You can imagine my shock when other people began to write similar RIP stuffs (about how much they loved her but God loves her most) and tagged her. Although we were no longer as close as before, I still cared about her but hadn't spoken to her in a while. I tried her line; it wasn't going through. I even chatted her up but no response. I was devastated. The only thing that was going through my mind was how she would never really know how much people(including those she might not have known) cared about her.Later that evening,I was able to get through to her and found out that she wasn't dead, but was VERY ILL. You can as well imagine my relief. What exactly ...