
Showing posts from September, 2017
  PET PEEVES (Eph 4:26) It was a lovely Saturday morning and students of Gracious High School busied themselves with their morning duties."Just what kind of nonsense is this?",Kayode,an SS2 student and inmate of Leonard hostel exploded."People won't just respect themselves in this hostel.This is getting out of hand and I can't take it anymore!" Kayode's roommates and classmates, Ekene and Malik stopped whatever they were doing and stared at Kayode who was busy rummaging through his small shelf of books in the room."K-boy,what's wrong? Why are you sounding all worked up?",Ekene asked. With a tone that came out more harsh than he intended, Kayode snapped "Nothing!", then muttered to himself "the next thing now, someone will say 'that Kayode boy is always hot-tempered.' Why won't I be when people cannot ask for permission before taking what belongs to another." Seeing Kayode at his 'boiling point',Malik...