*A NEW DAY* When the class representative announced at 2:10pm to the 2nd year students of Economics that their next lecture (Acc 214) would hold at 4pm,there were murmuring from all sides of the class. “Not again!”, someone shouted from behind. “That woman has no chill at all”,a girl said to her seatmate. “Does she not have a family?”,another asked. “I heard she is having issues with her husband,and that is why she tries to do anything that will keep her away from home till night“,her neighbor interjected. These and many more,were protests and angry comments flying around the class,yet no one dared to move or make any effort to leave the class. Mrs Ulondu was known for her strict adherence to the school rule of “75% attendance for a student to be allowed to sit for an exam”,and her students knew better than to cross her by missing her classes. In all these,Ginika said nothing.For her,she might as well be dead;she had long reached her point of saturation for the day tha...