MY IDENTITY (1) Who am I? This is one question that has been on my mind for a long time now-for a hundred and one reasons. Putting a hundred of them aside,let's talk about the one reason for my question today. I'd love to illustrate this by sharing a story with you-: "Born less than three decades ago into a struggling family of five-parents inclusive-in a small and not-so-nice neighbourhood in Okegbe, a small village in Delta State of Nigeria. My father was a low-income tailor and my mother was a petty trader but no matter how bad a week had been as regards income and needs,we never missed going to church every Sunday to appreciate God-not even when my father did not get any 'contract' for an entire week. For my parents,faith in God meant more especially in time of lack. We were neither rich nor in the middle class-which was a nice way of saying we couldn't get offended if you called us ‘poor’,because that was in fact what we were. But in all these,my parent...