Her First Love
Judith was crazy,annoying, stubborn even weird but when it came to her love life,she was the most caring and loving partner anyone could ask for. They weren't two or three;they were uncountable, but she loved them all,although the possibility of loving some more than the others was there.Everywhere she went,she had one of them with her;she tried not to be with more than one at a time for obvious reasons.
They all had their diverse duties;some had the duty of making her laugh when she had several reasons to cry.Some had the duty of taking her through painful nights. Some taught her refreshing things about life she never knew. Yet,some others were simply there because she loved them.She took very good care of them and they in turn,loved her immeasurably.
She had a certain degree of faithfulness and respect for each of them, thus they were not threatened by each other's presence. If she was with any of them,she took him everywhere she went until the temporary expiration of their time together. Because of them,she sacrificed a lot yet she didn't mind. She was ridiculed by friends and foes alike.Even at school,her teachers punished her at every chance they got.Once, she was seriously embarrassed on account of two of them in front of the entire class but she didn't mind.As long as she had them,she was fine.
Then one day,Ann walked up to her and said "I dunno how you've managed to keep your head high despite all this, but I certainly admire you.I've dabbled in and out of love so many times I promised myself I'm never going to do this again. But sincerely after watching you for sometime,I think I want to give it one more try. Can I take one of your lovers for a while? The idea was crazy to Judith;she had never "given out" any of her lovers to anyone before, no matter how numerous people thought they were.But Ann was her friend and she just couldn't say "No".So she replied "Alright Ann,you can take Sydney my first love. He sure will give you lots of reasons to love again but you must return him after a week cos I need him in my arms".So Sydney went with Ann wordlessly to hive her another chance at love.
A week later,Judith dropped by Ann's hostel to get back her love.After exchanging pleasantries, there was an uncomfortable silence for a moment, then Ann said "I'm sorry Jay, I lost him" "Lost him?How?!!!",Judith thundered."We went to bed two nights ago",Ann replied,"but when I woke up the next morning, he was gone.I asked my roommates but they all denied knowing his whereabouts"."Gone?!No way!",Judith sobbed,"he didn't even give me a chance to say goodbye.How am I ever going to find him?" She left in tears and began to search for him.Up to this day, she still does although she knows she'll never find him again.And that was how she lost her first love,the very first novel that ever defined the beauty of words to her imagination- "Tell Me Your Dreams" by Sydney Sheldon.
Judith was crazy,annoying, stubborn even weird but when it came to her love life,she was the most caring and loving partner anyone could ask for. They weren't two or three;they were uncountable, but she loved them all,although the possibility of loving some more than the others was there.Everywhere she went,she had one of them with her;she tried not to be with more than one at a time for obvious reasons.
They all had their diverse duties;some had the duty of making her laugh when she had several reasons to cry.Some had the duty of taking her through painful nights. Some taught her refreshing things about life she never knew. Yet,some others were simply there because she loved them.She took very good care of them and they in turn,loved her immeasurably.
She had a certain degree of faithfulness and respect for each of them, thus they were not threatened by each other's presence. If she was with any of them,she took him everywhere she went until the temporary expiration of their time together. Because of them,she sacrificed a lot yet she didn't mind. She was ridiculed by friends and foes alike.Even at school,her teachers punished her at every chance they got.Once, she was seriously embarrassed on account of two of them in front of the entire class but she didn't mind.As long as she had them,she was fine.
Then one day,Ann walked up to her and said "I dunno how you've managed to keep your head high despite all this, but I certainly admire you.I've dabbled in and out of love so many times I promised myself I'm never going to do this again. But sincerely after watching you for sometime,I think I want to give it one more try. Can I take one of your lovers for a while? The idea was crazy to Judith;she had never "given out" any of her lovers to anyone before, no matter how numerous people thought they were.But Ann was her friend and she just couldn't say "No".So she replied "Alright Ann,you can take Sydney my first love. He sure will give you lots of reasons to love again but you must return him after a week cos I need him in my arms".So Sydney went with Ann wordlessly to hive her another chance at love.
A week later,Judith dropped by Ann's hostel to get back her love.After exchanging pleasantries, there was an uncomfortable silence for a moment, then Ann said "I'm sorry Jay, I lost him" "Lost him?How?!!!",Judith thundered."We went to bed two nights ago",Ann replied,"but when I woke up the next morning, he was gone.I asked my roommates but they all denied knowing his whereabouts"."Gone?!No way!",Judith sobbed,"he didn't even give me a chance to say goodbye.How am I ever going to find him?" She left in tears and began to search for him.Up to this day, she still does although she knows she'll never find him again.And that was how she lost her first love,the very first novel that ever defined the beauty of words to her imagination- "Tell Me Your Dreams" by Sydney Sheldon.