IN MY DAYS What happened?Yes! What happened?What happened to the days when women were respected? The days when people got into relationships for the purpose of fostering love and the view of bringing forth children in the institution of marriage? When sex was deemed sanctified and marriage was honorable upon the bed undefiled. What happened to the days when people were loved for whom they are, not whom we think they are.Oh those days! In my days, people fall in love for what they can gain. People "love" others for who they think they are or who they want them to be. Ladies are "loved" for their body, men... for their money. The word "love" is now used to denote "lust" and "affection" to mean "sexual gratification". In my days, the word "love" has become trite, such that we no longer know when it is used in its literal form or when it is used to connote "I like the way your body looks in that dress" or ...